As this piece of writing was portrait some days ago, as the title depicts, yeah its “BEGINNING OF NEW YEAR”……
Once upon a time I was sitting alone and thinking (one of my favorite leisure activity) about the past years of my life….how these twenty five years of my life has shaped me a well independent research scholar. I used to plan resolutions for every New Year, as almost every people do….many years passed and passed, many things I have achieved, many yet to achieve….
The journey of life is become more complicated…..many years ago when we were small children life was so limited, just goes around school, play and home work etc….If we compare how those ten years of life to these twenty five, A great journey exist in between. How small small things gave us a big experience….Those childhood paradigms play significant role throughout our life….A very famous physician cum psychologist Jean Jacques Freud said “We are what our childhood experience makes us……I used to take one resolution in every year during my childhood……and may be that influence of childhood force me to take now……(Hence Freud theory proved in my case)…..
Time runs very frequently when we don’t utilize properly….When we manage it properly we can find time for every task, we should make full use of it…..This year is very significant year, as geologist had proved it is the end of life….So what do you think it is or not?? As per my perception live it, love it every moment of life…..Nobody knows what is the last moment of life, Either it is December 2012 or the very next moment…. .Therefore, do what you want to do, go where you want to go, say what you want to say bcoz time waits for none and  here I would like to add a quote said by somebody "Life is caged in a time frame, but the only free thing is the very same moment"......very true about life....
So buddies, enjoy every moment of life, live it at fullest and make sure about your goals in life……whether they may your new year resolution or the long term goal……May you be blessed with all you deserve for…..Ameen!!!!


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