

As this piece of writing was portrait some days ago, as the title depicts, yeah its “BEGINNING OF NEW YEAR”…… Once upon a time I was sitting alone and thinking (one of my favorite leisure activity) about the past years of my life….how these twenty five years of my life has shaped me a well independent research scholar. I used to plan resolutions for every New Year, as almost every people do….many years passed and passed, many things I have achieved, many yet to achieve…. The journey of life is become more complicated…..many years ago when we were small children life was so limited, just goes around school, play and home work etc….If we compare how those ten years of life to these twenty five, A great journey exist in between. How small small things gave us a big experience….Those childhood paradigms play significant role throughout our life….A very famous physician cum psychologist Jean Jacques Freud said “We are what our childhood experience makes us……I used to take one resolut...

Difference between Ego and Self-respect

Wisdom is to know the difference between ego and self-respect and to become more aware of these. When the ego is satisfied there is happiness, and when hurt, pain and irritation are experienced. But self-respect is beyond respect and disrespect. On being satisfied or hurt, under any circumstance, it inspires for karma. To satisfy the ego (ahamkara) people might indulge in manipulations, become calculating, and avoid working hard towards growth, whereas self-respect (swabhimaan) always propels one to work harder for self-satisfaction. Just like Shri Krishn inspired Arjun to fight for self-respect and self-duty. A self-respecting human understands well the importance of self-respect and his duty towards it. He knows its value, whether it is his own, of others or of his nation or even the Earth. The absoluteness (poornata) of a truthful (karma) action is in negating imperfection and falsehood and to challenge it. For anyone who does so, the Supreme himself becomes his charioteer. ...